Monday, July 25, 2011

Chemo session 1

I am about to take the 4th dose out of 5 for this session. I would be lying if I said this was easy. It sucks! Best way to describe it is like being car sick or motion sick; not like you're going to get sick right away but you just feel off.
My chemotherapy is not taken by iv, instead I am prescribed pills for five days and take them before I go to bed. The idea is that I sleep through the worst side effects. The problem is it makes for an awful morning and it gets worse as the 5 days go on. I do this once a month for the next 12 months. So I am feling pretty crummy right now.
I am going back to work on august 1. It will feel good to have a purpose again.
Been feeling a little lost and aimless lately.
A lot of people have been asking me to do things in the fall or winter. Unfortunately, my chemotherapy schedule and my financial situation will not allow me to commit to a whole lot.
The best thing anyone can do for me during chemotherapy weeks is to help me out with dinner. I have to allow for 2 hours between dinner and my chemotherapy dose. The food tidings website seems to be gone. But just call, text or email.

Training tip of the week: sign up for whatever race you want to enter fee will go up and spots will fill up soon!


buffy said...

You are awesome...

Caroline said...

Hang in there brother.

macfarland23 said...

Hey bud your amazing, hang in there. Call me any time day or night if you need anything and you know Ill be there at the drop of a hat if you wanna hang out. Talk to you soon love ya brother

Liza said...

Thinking about ya! Hang in there and be the amazing person you are. You are an inspiration to so many!

Joanie said...

Keep up your strong positive attitude!!!

A substitute for the food tidings website is:

Diane said...

you can do it <3