Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Short update

Been making big strides today. My hair almost looks normal all things considered. Sorry I have been slacking on the entries. I'll make a longer entry for tomorrow with some interesting stuff. Just really tired right now

Sunday, September 28, 2008

ANd I'm Back

I just arrived back at home. I might be capable of talking to people starting tomorrow. Please call before stopping by. I'll admit I am not very entertaining right now. Good to be out of the hospital. Thanks for all the support through the surgery. Looking at me right now is not easy by the way. My head is stapled together right down the middle.

Sunday move

John's been moved out of the critical care unit to the neurology care unit. He's still in the ICU, but feeling much better...I think the ND win and the USC loss really helped the recovery! He actually walked himself down to the new room and says he felt good doing it, just a little light headed. He'll probably be heading home tomorrow or Tuesday. He's looking forward to seeing everyone this week. Once we're home we'll set up some sort of schedule so he's not overwhelmed. He really appreciates all the prayers and comments on the blog. He knows everyone is thinking of him and wishing him the best. Thanks again for all the prayers. They're keeping us all going. We'll keep the updates coming.

Buffy & Caroline

Saturday, September 27, 2008


John will be in ICU for the next few days. Visits are limited to family at this point. He's looking forward to seeing everyone next week.
He's sitting up today and feeling a little tired. The game schedule is lined up and he's resting so he can cheer ND on this afternoon. He knows everyone has been praying and thinking of him. We are over the first few obstacles, but the next few days are still critical, so keep it up~

Friday, September 26, 2008


We got to see John tonight. I asked him how he felt and in John fashion, he replied, "Spectacular." He's tired and drugged, but looks great for someone who just underwent brain surgery. He's in ICU, so please don't send flowers b/c there really isn't room and they aren't allowed.
His sense of humor is intact and he's moving his hands with ease at the moment (one of the concerns of the surgery). We'll have to wait and see what the next few days and weeks bring, but right now things are looking good.

Awake and Alert

John's nurse Amy just came in to let us know that he is awake and alert. He immediately recognized her and asked for a drink. A few of us will be able to visit one at a time in the next hour or so and then he will be moved to ICU.

First Hurdle Cleared

Dr. Q came out grinning! So far so good. John will be waking up soon (around 6) and the family will be able to see him shortly. We won't know exactly what type of tumor it was for at least 10 days. Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts. We'll keep you posted as we get answers. The next few days will still be touchy, so please keep praying. Love and hugs to everyone!

Buffy & Caroline

No Sweat

Just waking up and getting ready to head down to Baltimore. The news that USC choked was a pleasant surprise this morning. Things are already looking up!
I couldn't ask for my friends and family to have been any better throughout this experience. Everyone keep it up and there's no way that this will turn out anyway but perfect.
There should be news about how everything is going around 6 tonight. My mom or sister will update the blog and will have my phone. I will be asking Josh Grogis and Kyle Dixon to keep my friends in the loop for the most part.
Can't wait to see everyone on the other side of this. Thanks again!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Counting Down

Going in for my pre-op mri tonight. Surgeon should know exactly how he plans to attack everything after tonight. I am supposed to report for surgery at 10:20 tomorrow morning. My sister or my mom will be updating the blog after that point. Thanks for all the cards everyone has sent so far.
Looks like my law school semester is over at this point. But don't worry I'll be back in no time, whining, complaining, and making stupid comments in class.
I'll be hanging around my parents til the appointment at 7 tonight but feel free to call at any time.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wed. Night

I am headed up to my father's house for dinner this evening so I won't be around tonight but feel free to call me if you want to chat. I am feeling much better today. I should be around thurs. during the day if anyone wants to call or stop by. Just so everyone knows I think space will be limited at the hospital for visitors and gifts. If you want to send something my parents house is the ideal spot. Once again all the support I have received has been fantastic. Thanks again

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Schedule

As you can imagine I have a lot of commitments this week. I have Dr.'s and family and friends that want to see me. So tonight Tues. night I am going to hang in at my parents. Any one is welcome to stop by and see me. I am going to decline going to the O's game tonight. I appreciate the offers but it just seems like it will be a lot to handle. This is probably the best opportunity to see me for the rest of the week b/c I have to get together with family on wed. and thurs. night. The response to my blog has been awesome. Thanks for all the well wishes.
It is important to remember that everyone can see me after my surgery as well. I am too stubborn to let this keep me down. I really appreciate everyone being there for me. Please remember to take care of each other as well. And I realize I have a diverse group of friends so just try to tolerate each other for the next couple days.
My Parents Address is
704 Rusack Ct.
Arnold, MD 21012
Stop by any time

Monday, September 22, 2008


For all of those of you who are wondering what is going on in my life. I created this blog so everyone could stay up to date on my condition. On Thursday the 18th I was in the middle of a run when I started to feel strange. My hands seized into my chest and wouldn't move. I started to lose my balance and sat down on the curb. I suppose I passed out b/c I came to and found about 5 people standing above me telling me an ambulance was on the way. They took me to Hopkin's Bayview campus. They described my episode as a seizure. After doing a number of tests they determined that I had a lesion in the right frontal lobe of my brain. Rather than do a biopsy the neurosurgeon determined that the location of my lesion made it ideal to just go in and take out without haste. My surgeon's name is Dr. Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa. I am absolutely privileged to have him.
My surgery is scheduled for friday the 26th. I will undergo a craniotomy.
I am on some meds which are kind of giving me a hard time right now. I spend most of my days napping off migraines.
I want to talk to everyone so please don't be afraid to call but please understand that I have a lot to straighten out in the next few days and so I may not be able to get back to everyone, please do not get upset about me not getting back to you right away. I value all of your thoughts and prayers. I'll try to update this blog regularly