Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted in a while. There really hasn't been anything ne to post. Today I was supposed to get my results at my follow up appointment. Unfortunately my pathology report was not ready today. It was a real bummer. It looks like I won't be driving for a while, so for those of you wondering what it is you can do to help. Rides will be highly appreciated for the next few months. I will update the blog the minute I get the report.
Thanks again to everyone who came out to my fundraiser. It was better than I could have ever hoped for. It meant more than you can understand to see how many people I have supporting me.

1 comment:

Gina said...

John-anytime you need a ride anywhere, let me know! I'm not working full time and going to school only part time so I have free days/nights often. My cell is 410-428-1422 and email is gina.kristol@gmail.com. You can always call Brad or myself and we'd be very happy to help! :)