Monday, July 4, 2011

Updates will be more regular from now on

Happy fourth of July Everyone! I am going to try to update the blog every week on Sunday from now on so that it is a little easier to keep up with.
I am back from the beach and hanging out at my parents house again completely open to visitors and invites to just about any event. It feels great to get out of the house every now and again although I get tired more quickly than I'd like to admit. Getting places is a bit of an issue right now because I am not sure when I will be allowed to drive.
For those of you who are unaware some of my friends got together and collected money and purchased me an ipad. I was blown away by this! Not only the gift itself but short period of time they accomplished it in. They also had enough left over that they donated approximately $500 to Dr. Q's research group. I am mentioning all of this because they deserve a lot of recognition. This gesture absolutely had a real effect on why I was able to recover so quickly.
This goes for everyone that has called, or stopped by, or dropped something off; You have given me so much to want to fight for. It means so much, I feel as though I owe all of you something which I never will really be able to repay. The best I can do is to never let any of this get the best of me, and I promise you any part of this I have a say in will be fought with unbelievable determination.
Thanks for everything to this point you have been an inspiration on what it means to be there for a friend.


Caroline said...

You have amazing friends. Thanks to all of them.

buffy said...

Your friends are AWESOME! I can never thank them enough for all that they did for all of and hugs to all!