Saturday, December 20, 2008

Taking a break

Sorry it has been so long since my last post. I finished with my radiation treatments on December 17. I won't really know how effective those treatments were for about 6 months. I am now on a break until late January. At that point I will most likely continue with some chemo therapy. These treatments will be for one week periods over 6 months. I have been taking these treatments everyday while doing my radiation so hopefully this will not be taxing treatment.
I responded as well as anyone could have anticipated to the treatments. The only thing that would make it apparent to most that I went through this is the lack of hair on my head. I'm told that the first time it grows back it will likely be a different color /texture. Interesting part of that is that I didn't lose it all over so I may have two tone hair when it comes back.
I still plan on returning to law school in January.
I want to thank everyone for their support and concern. My radiation treatment flew by and that would not have been possible without the network of people who helped me.

1 comment:

alexandra's kitchen said...

Will you please post pictures of your two-toned hair when it grows back? I was just thinking of you today and was glad to see a recent update. Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Big hugs to Caroline for me next time you see her.
